
Future Projects

The future projects you can look forward to are numerous. I will give you a snippet from one.

"Never expect to see a show like that on the Disney Channel, any of the Disney channels or Nickelodeon either for that matter. I have never seen a show with a murder on any of the Disney or Nickelodeon channels either.
Murders in the Cartoon Network shows are quite abundant and can get gory. It is the fledgeling studio with a dark edge."

If that grabbed your attention as it grabbed mine good then you are in for a treat. I speak on why we have a primal need to scare ourselves with movies like Cujo among other things. Any guesses as to why? Take your time and really think about it. We scare ourselves because a little bit of fear is a good thing. It's like how they show in the cartoons that the early caveman was scared of the dinosaurs. That was a coping mechanism because then they would avoid them.

Great Movies that I Missed When Talking About Horror

Here is a simple unordered list of what some of them were.

  • The Hills Have Eyes

  • Misery

  • Goosebumps

  • A Quiet Place

  • The Shining

  • Alien

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